About Us

MAX MINDS® REHAB CENTER is an unique center for psycho-social rehabilitation of psychiatric disabilities. You will experience an ambient open campus with lodging facilities ranging from cottages for family residents to single and sharing room and even common dormitory living systems.


Psychiatric rehabilitation and psychiatric disability managements are the most ignored aspects in mental health service right now. This invariably reflects in the condition of the individuals with mental illness furthering the negative consequences disabilities. Such vitality draining impact of mental illness, debilitates the quality of life and even the cognitive abilities and skills of the individuals. Here we very specifically stress on the relevance and efficacy of recovery oriented psychiatric care and training for the persons with psychiatric disabilities.

This devastating condition of the mental health scene and community was an outcry and it demanded change fast.

MAX MINDS® REHAB CENTER is our way of answering to this dire need of change in the mental health outlook and philosophy. This condition paved way for some young mental health professionals to think differently and come up with a better psychiatric care center , focusing specifically on rehabilitation based therapy infused with skills training, addressing psychiatric disabilities.

The vision was materialized by forming a Public charitable trust named “Manodharshan Charitable Trust” on 7th of September  2015 under the Chairmanship of Mr. Praveen Joseph and Secretary Mr. Soney Thomas.

Along with a team of other young talented visionary mental health professionals, their relentless efforts consequently led to establishment of MAX MINDS® REHAB CENTER at Aravanchal, Payyannur.

MAX MINDS® REHAB CENTER signals a significant and novel transition in the treatment of mental disorders and mental health care systems.



Director – Mr. Praveen Joseph

Administrator – Mr.  Soney Thomas

Superintendent – Ms. Nitha Thankachan

PRO – Mrs. Asha Olickan